Hugg LL-1-A1

from 7.860,00

suggested retail price

HR foam
modular collection
upholstery belt

Product details

77 cm
278 cm
90 cm
Abriamo 02
Abriamo 02
Abriamo 02
Piękna, subtelna i nowoczesna kolekcja Abriamo nadaje się dosłownie na każdy rodzaj mebla. Tkanina ma bardzo dobre parametry techniczne, jest przyjazna dla skóry, trudnopalna oraz cechuje się wysoką odpornością na światło oraz tarcie, dzięki czemu posiada niezwykłą odporność na jej użytkowanie. Dodatkowo szeroka, stonowana gama kolorystyczna daje nieograniczone możliwości dekoracyjne.

Hugg modular furniture collection combines beauty, elegance, character and useful functionality.

The design and functionality of the furniture will make it the perfect centerpiece of any living room, adding both style and practicality.


The collection captivates with its timeless appearance. Original, minimalist design and orderly symmetry of the lines of the furniture make the sofa or corner sofa look extremely modern, giving the room an original flair. Elegant solids of the collection have been highlighted by decorative piping and characteristic spinning of the shape of the furniture.


The collection’s system of functional modules, which can be combined and juxtaposed at will, allows you to create sofas or corner sofas that fit both your lifestyle and the size of the room. The collection is complemented by a pouf, which can be used both as a free-standing, as well as a compositional element of a corner sofa or sofa


Modularity is just one of the many advantages of the collection. This is because the collection was created for exceptional comfort. The furniture has a comfortable and soft seat and a contoured backrest, providing an unforgettable relaxation experience.


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